Misrepresenting one’s job status while collecting temporary disability benefits is an example of workers’ compensation fraud. If you are hurt on the job and unable to continue performing the same type of work, you’re likely eligible for workers’ compensation. With an income reduction, you may be struggling to cover your rent or mortgage, utilities, and other essential expenses. If you suspect you may be out of work or suffer a reduction of income, you may be considering getting a second or entirely new job. However, whether you can get a job on workers’ compensation varies depending on your claim’s circumstances.
Before deciding to get a second or new job, it’s important to understand how that could affect your workers’ compensation benefits eligibility. If you are hurt while performing a physically demanding job and are unable to continue your work, you may then be able to take a sedentary job. You may work at a second job or take a different job while collecting workers’ compensation benefits if the second job does not aggravate your injuries. You should not take a new job or continue working a second job that is physically demanding or more demanding than the one where you got injured.
If your injury prevents you from working at any job, the workers’ compensation system will use the income you received to calculate your temporary disability benefits. To receive maximum compensation, you must report your second job to the insurance company at the time of your injury and provide proof of employment. A workers’ compensation attorney can help make the right decisions regarding your benefits and whether or not you can work while collecting them.
If you are collecting workers’ comp benefits because you say you are too injured to work, then if you get caught performing demanding work that you supposedly are unable to do, you could be accused of fraud. Being accused of workers’ compensation fraud, you may have to pay a fine or restitution and even face time in prison.
You may be caught working while on workers’ comp if your employer, coworker, customer, or someone else submits an anonymous tip about your employment to the state’s workers’ compensation official. Evidence of you working while on workers’ comp may come in many forms, such as surveillance video, or someone who doesn’t know you’re collecting workers’ comp benefits may post a photo or video of you working.
If you’ve been injured at work and have difficulty making ends meet, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. The workers’ compensation system should help injured workers make a physical and financial recovery, but the process can be overwhelming to navigate alone.
At KCNS Law Group, we understand that for injured workers, your first priority is your own health and the stability of your life and the life of your family, which is why we are here to help. Before making any decisions that may impact your quality of life and your workers’ compensation benefits, consult one of our workers’ compensation lawyers. Our KCNS Law Group lawyers are committed to protecting the rights of injured workers and ensuring they receive the benefits they deserve. You can schedule a consultation with us through our contact form or call (818) 937-9255.