Juggling the administrative process of filing a workers’ compensation claim with a painful recovery can become overwhelming for victims. If you have been injured at work or developed an illness from your work environment, you should report your injury or illness to your employer first. This first step should be modified if you are injured in an emergency and need medical attention. After reporting your injury or illness to your employer in a non-emergency situation, you should promptly seek medical attention. Finally, you should fill out a workers’ compensation claim form with the help of experienced legal counsel and wait to see if your claim is accepted or denied. Your team of workers’ compensation attorneys will be ready to fight for you if the claims adjuster denies your eligibility for disability benefits.
You do not have to tackle filing a workers’ compensation claim alone. Workers’ compensation attorneys are dedicated to helping victims navigate the claim filing process in order to receive workers’ compensation disability benefits. You can trust the talented team of attorneys with KCNS Law Group to make the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim as easy as possible.
The process of filing a workers’ compensation claim begins when you report the incident. You should report any work-related injuries or illnesses to your employer as soon as possible. If an injury involves an emergency, you should get the medical care you need immediately and then report the incident to your employer. For all other non-emergency workplace injuries, reporting the incident should be the victim’s first step.
Injured employees must report their injuries to their employers within thirty days, and employers have a duty to investigate. A victim may seriously hurt their chances of receiving disability benefits if they do not report the incident within thirty days. After learning of a work-related illness or injury, an employer is required to give the victim a workers’ compensation claim form within one workday of receiving such notice. The sooner a victim reports the incident, the sooner they can complete their claim form and receive the medical attention they need.
As mentioned above, you should always obtain any emergency medical care needed directly after an injury. In non-emergency situations, you should report your injury or illness and then promptly seek medical attention. Victims need to have a doctor examine the condition of their injuries or illnesses from the beginning so that they can document the progression of any worsening symptoms or lasting disabilities that may develop. When you consult with a medical professional, you should inform them that you were injured at work so that they can keep detailed documentation for your future claim.
If you were injured at work and you are worried about the cost of your medical care, you may be relieved to know that up to $10,000 may be covered while your claim is under review. There may be limitations on which treatments are covered, and your employer might direct you to see a predetermined healthcare professional. This is why it is important to report your injury or illness first so that your employer can notify you of the preferred doctor you should visit.
When victims report their work-related injuries and illnesses, their employers should give them claim forms to fill out and return. On the form, a victim needs to prove that their injury or illness was actually caused by their work-related duties. With the help of an experienced legal team, you can confidently submit your claim form. Workers’ compensation lawyers are familiar with the procedures and deadlines associated with claims for benefits, and they will be able to walk you through the process.
After you submit your claim for benefits, your employer is responsible for delivering the claim form to the claims adjuster for review. The claims adjuster typically responds within ninety days. There is a presumption that your injury or illness was work-related if you do not receive notice that your claim was accepted or denied within ninety days of submitting the claim form to your employer.
Victims of workplace injuries or illnesses should report the incident to their employers, seek prompt medical attention, and fill out a workers’ compensation claim form with the help of experienced legal counsel. Our skilled workers’ compensation attorneys would be happy to help you throughout the entire process of filing your claim for benefits.
KCNS Law Group has a team of experienced workers’ compensation lawyers who are ready to help you. Call (818) 937-9255 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation today.