Social media continues to be an important part of everyday life, but you might wonder if these sites are a hindrance when you’re filling out an application for workers’ compensation benefits. Are these sites helpful in your situation? Or could this information have negative consequences on your claim?
Because each state is different in its response to workers’ compensation claims that involve social media, whether or not your insurer can request this information varies widely by state. Reach out to KCNS Law Group to learn more about how social media affects your claim and what you need to know about your state’s laws regarding this topic.
If you are injured at work, you may be tempted to detail your injury and post pictures of it on social media. However, this could be used against you by your employer during your workers’ compensation claim.
Workplace injuries are already difficult to prove, and insurance companies will do whatever they can to deny or minimize compensation claims. So while it may be tempting to share your story on social media, it is important to be aware that anything you post could be used against you in your workers’ compensation claim.
It’s best to avoid posting anything about your workers’ compensation claim on social media. If you post about your injury online, your insurer or employer may use that information to deny your claim. Surveillance of social media is common in personal injury cases, so it’s important to be careful about what you post.
If you’ve been injured at work, your employer will look at your social media accounts as part of their investigation. If they find posts that contradict your claim, it could damage your case. Even if you delete the posts before they’re discovered, your friends and family may still have access to them and could tag you in photos or comments that could also be used against you.
It’s important to limit access to your social media accounts and be careful about what you post, even if your settings are set to private. Remember, anything you post on social media can potentially be found again.
Insurance carriers are increasingly using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to defend workers’ compensation cases. By monitoring these platforms, insurance carriers can obtain information that may be helpful in defending a comp case.
For example, if an injured worker posts photos of themselves participating in activities that are inconsistent with their claimed injuries, this could be used to undermine the worker’s claim. Similarly, if a worker posts comments or messages on social media that are inconsistent with their claim, this could also be used by the insurance carrier to defend the case.
Surveillance is a common tactic used by insurance companies to investigate claimants, and posts on social media can be used as evidence against you, so it’s better to not post anything on social media at all.
Social media isn’t the only problem for your workers’ compensation claim. Learn how to protect yourself from a serious problem that could lead to your claim being denied by getting legal support from the skilled and experienced legal team at KCNS Law Group.
Get the legal help that you need by contacting us online or by calling us at (818) 937-9255. We can help you with setting up, filing, and protecting your workers’ comp claim.