Tell The Readers About Your Experience With Workers’ Compensation Law Cases In California
I am a workers’ compensation attorney and the managing partner of KCNS Law Group LLP. I have about 14 years of experience in the practice of workers’ compensation law. During the first four years, I worked as a defense attorney representing various employers and workers’ compensation insurance carriers with an emphasis on representing government agencies and entities. In 2011, I established KCNS Law Group, and since then my firm’s primary practice has been workers’ compensation law. We exclusively represent injured workers in workers’ compensation proceedings.
What Do You Want Your Readers To Gain From This Information?
This is primarily intended for employees who are injured on the job or have suffered cumulative trauma from work. We want to help injured workers gain a better understanding of the workers’ compensation system and the benefits that they are entitled to receive, if they get injured on the job. I am hoping to answer some commonly asked questions about the workers’ compensation process.
For more information on Workers’ Compensation, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (818) 949-1918 today.
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