For some workers, the thought of going into work can certainly make them feel sick. However, for certain employees, their job could actually be causing them to develop a work-related illness. If you have been feeling unwell, it is crucial that you are aware of the signs that you may be developing an illness related to your job.
The trusted lawyers at KCNS Law Group are dedicated to helping clients in California who are developing illnesses as a result of their work environment get the compensation they deserve. If you have developed a work-related illness, it is crucial you contact one of our California attorneys to help you decipher what your next steps should be.
Certain career paths can negatively affect employees’ mental health. Unfortunately, when a person is in this state of high stress or anxiety for an extended period, their mental health may begin to affect their physical health. If you think your job may be causing you to fall ill, it is important you know what signs to look for:
Whether you are sleeping too much or not sleeping enough, if you have noticed a drastic change in your sleep schedule, it may be a sign that your job is making you sick. This change in your sleep schedule may have to do with increased stress or anxiety at work.
Losing weight in drastic measures can be a sign of a serious health concern. If you have lost your appetite due to increased stress as a result of your job, you may be developing a work-related illness.
When your adrenaline or cortisol levels increase as a result of a challenging work environment, you may experience weight gain. In addition to gaining weight, you may likely find it is difficult to lose the weight you have gained.
This may be a sign of adrenal fatigue. When you are continuously in a high stress environment at work, you may use up all of your energy more quickly, leaving you feeling exhausted and unproductive.
When you are under a lot of stress, your immune system can be weakened. This can leave you prone to getting sick with colds more often than you typically would. If you find you are continuously getting sick, it may be a sign that the stress of your job is causing you to be unable to fight off illness.
When you are sick with a minor cold or flu, you typically can recover in a matter of days. However, if you find you are unable to fight off these minor illnesses in a timely manner, it may be due to a compromised immune system resulting from your work.
If your doctor or another medical professional has noticed drastic changes in your health, it may be time to consider if your job could be the cause.
If you have developed a work-related illness, you have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim to receive benefits for the losses you have suffered as a result. KCNS Law Group has decades of experience in every type of workers’ compensation case. We pride ourselves on our personalized care for our clients.
At KCNS Law Group, we do not settle for low offers when we know our clients deserve more. We know the accurate value of each claim, and we are ready to go to trial if necessary. To schedule a free consultation with one of our trusted lawyers, contact us here or call (818) 937-9255.